What Are the Key Drivers of Employee Engagement?

/ 6 April 2021

The benefits of a dedicated workforce are unquestionable – engaged employees are more committed and therefore more creative and productive. This translates to higher sales, as customers are more likely to return and invest their money in the business, which in turn leads to greater profits. 

So how do you make it happen? Driving employee engagement requires a two-way relationship. It takes investment, effort, and time, but has significant payoff for both employees and businesses. 

At 3radical, we understand how important it is to have a switched-on and motivated workforce. That’s why we’ve put together a list of the key drivers of employee engagement, to get companies thinking in the right direction…

What is employee engagement?

Without knowing what is meant by employee engagement, it’s difficult to implement strategies to drive positive change. IES defines employee engagement as “a positive attitude held by the employee towards the organization and its values”. Engagement is one ‘step up’ from commitment, and is driven by an employee’s sense of feeling both involved and valued.

Engaged employees consistently display these key behaviors:

  • Willingness to go the extra mile and work to make things better
  • Belief in the ethos and objectives of the organization
  • Helpful towards, and respectful of, colleagues
  • Keeping up to date with developments in the field
  • Understanding of the business context and its bigger picture

These behaviors tend to be demonstrated by employees when they take pride in their organization and believe in its products and services. When workers feel like a valued member of a team, they are more likely to give their all to that team and behave altruistically. With that in mind, here are the key drivers in engaging employees…

Proactive, Transparent Management

Line managers are vital in ensuring employees feel listened to and valued. The first step in fostering a positive employee-manager relationship is the visibility and accessibility of company managers. Feeling like managers listen to the opinions and concerns of employees is also critical, as it fosters trust. Workers need to trust that their managers are dependable and reliable, and that they will follow through on their promises.

In fact, 70% of employees are most engaged when they feel that managers and senior leadership are transparent about company decisions. Building a culture of collaboration and transparency ensures workers feel supported and are more open to addressing concerns and queries.

Direction, Purpose, and Meaning

Organizations that have clear direction, well-defined core values, and a clear company culture sets the direction and purpose of its workers. 80% of employees report feeling more engaged with work that aligns with the core mission and values of companies. Having a sense of purpose is vital, as it helps employees derive meaning from their work and understand why the business exists beyond profit-making.

Tools and Resources

When teams feel like they have the adequate resources and tools with which to do their work, they tend to be more engaged. A key component of this is ensuring that resources – no matter how limited – are always well allocated. The best way to do so is to ensure that communication channels are open between managers and employees, and that teams are able to adapt their flow according to the changing business needs.

Commitment to Employee Wellbeing

Work-life balance is more than just a buzzword for employees. In a survey of 2,200 employees, work-life balance won out as a priority over both salary and flexible schedule as the most important factor in evaluating a job prospect. Employees who believe they have a good work-life balance are 21% more likely to work hard, compared to those who don’t. Conflict over work and home life tends to result in a lower work performance, as the mental and physical wellbeing of employees suffers. This can lead to increased absenteeism and turnover, as well as heightened cases of burnout and stress. Employers who prioritize the wellbeing of employees benefit from a better engaged and more productive workforce.

Having a Voice

The extent to which employees feel listened to by managers, and feel that their opinions can be voiced without consequence, is hugely impactful on employee engagement. When workers feel able to vocalize their ideas, they can be more creative and innovative in their day-to-day work, and feel empowered to act with integrity and autonomy. 70% of employees rank being trusted to take action at work when either a problem or opportunity arises as significant to their engagement.

Feeling Challenged But Under Control

Employees who use their skills, abilities, and strengths everyday are six times more likely to be engaged in their work. If workers feel challenged, but that they are still working within their capacity, they are more likely to put energy and effort into their work.

In fact, 83% of employees who benefit from the opportunity to take on new challenges report that they are more likely to stay with the organization. Feeling that companies are invested in the professional development of employees is similarly important – if workers are given the chance to grow, they are more likely to take opportunities offered.

How can we help?

Driving employee engagement has significant impact on an organization’s success. Motivated, satisfied workers dedicate themselves to the positive progress of a company, which in turn has cumulative benefits for any business. Companies with engaged employees see 233% greater customer loyalty, which translates into a 26% annual increase in revenue. 3radical understands how important it is to support and inform your team. By equipping your company with the power of gamification, we can help you educate your employees on the pertinent aspects of your organization. 3radical’s online experiences help capture employee preferences through earned data, to help organizations understand employee motivations and intents to reduce friction, encourage interaction and foster loyalty. Contact us today to find out more

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